Actress and singer Bella Thorne has been living the Hollywood life since the age of six.
So I guess she is used to all types of public scrutiny including her plastic surgery rumors. That’s probably why she didn’t want to say anything to clear her name.
But are they really rumors? Let’s find out.
Before & After Photos
We have done the investigation to see if Bella has had any work done. Check it out below.
Did Bella Thorne get a boob job?

Perhaps it’s the outfit but Bella’s boobs seem to have gotten larger by at least a cup size.
So, I think they could be breast implants.
What about you?
Has she had a nose job?

Belle’s nose used to be wider with a slightly blunt tip.
In a matter of years, however, that nose shape has changed and looks thinner too. This tells me that a nose job might have taken place.
I could be wrong but I don’t think makeup alone can do this.
Does Bella have lip injections?

From what I can see, Bella’s lips look a bit plumper than before.
It could be the lipstick doing its tricks but I wouldn’t be surprised if she has tried lip fillers. This could be an ongoing procedure too.
What about a butt lift?

I’ll be honest.
Bella’s butt seems to have gotten bigger so a butt lift is not out of the question.
However, this is a procedure that Bella has shot back in the past and claimed it’s all because of her workout.
Did she get tattoo eyebrows?

Bella’s eyes became the subject of headlines recently when she posted a video where she underwent Microblading. This procedure adds volume to the brows. It’s some form of tattoo eyebrows, if you will, and enhances the eye shape without the need for eye makeup.
Now, Bella’s thin and uneven eyebrows look thicker and in perfect symmetry.
Let’s see how Bella has changed throughout the years.
Early Days

When she was young, Bella had chubby cheeks that made her extra cute.

Bella was already a professional model as a child, age 10. Look how pretty she was!
Bella in 2010

Bella had a skinny body as a pre-teener but this young girl knows style, right?
Bella in 2012

Can you believe she’s 15 years old? She looks so mature.
Bella in 2015

At 18, Bella really started turning eyes. Her body was part of the reason I’d say.
Bella in 2018

Bella debuted her inconspicuous heart tattoo with this shoulder-bearing dress and I like it.
Bella in 2022

Looks like Thorne is keeping it red hot in the new year. I don’t know who would complain. She looks amazing!
There were signs.
While Bella has remained tight-lipped on cosmetic surgery, I think she may have gotten an enhancement or two.
Regardless if it’s true or not, Bella is gorgeous and no one can deny that.
(Featured Image Credit: Getty Images)